UNLV Graduate Courses - University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2024)

Table of Contents
ECO 709 - Regional Economic Analysis ECO 740 - Quantitative Methods for Economics ECO 765 - Labor Economics ECO 770 - Econometric Approaches to Causal Analytics ECO 772 - Advanced Econometric Methods ECO 773 - Data-Driven Forecasting Methods for Business ECO 780 - Seminar in Economic Theory and Policy ECO 784 - Internship ECO 790 - Independent Study ECO 791 - Thesis ECO 793 - Seminar in Economic Research ECO 794 - Professional Paper ECO 795 - Capstone Experience EDA 700 - Special Problems in Educational Administration EDA 706 - Selected Problems in Educational Administration EDA 707 - Critique of Research in the Administrative Process EDA 710 - Ethics and Professionalism, Mission, Vision, and Core Values in Educational Leadership EDA 715 - Issues in Instructional Leadership EDA 718 - Equity and Cultural Educational Leadership EDA 724 - Foundations of Research for Practicing Administrators EDA 725 - Quantitative Research Methods I for Practicing Administrators EDA 726 - Quantitative Research Methods II for Practicing Administrators EDA 727 - Qualitative Research Methods I for Practicing Administrators EDA 730 - Leadership for School System Innovation EDA 731 - Leaders, Social Justice, and the Public Interest EDA 732 - Advancing Equity: Gender and Race Issues in Education EDA 737 - Readings in Educational Supervision EDA 740 - Administration and Curriculum Improvement EDA 745 - Human Dynamics and Organizational Leadership EDA 746 - Public Relations Problems for Schools EDA 747 - Urban School Administration EDA 750 - School Personnel Administration EDA 755 - School Law: Cases, Concepts, and Practice EDA 758 - Community and External Leadership EDA 760 - Educational Leadership for Policy, Governance, and Advocacy EDA 761 - Management of People, Data, and Processes in Educational Systems EDA 765 - Instructional Leadership for Systematic Change EDA 770 - Individual Instruction in Educational Administration EDA 771 - Seminar in Educational Administration EDA 773 - Seminar: Constructs of Theory in Educational Administration EDA 774 - Advanced Seminar: Topics in School Management EDA 775 - Educational Futures and Educational Administration EDA 785 - Administering Schools in a Political Climate EDA 788 - Independent Study in the Doctoral Program EDA 790 - Internship EDA 791 - Practicum in Educational Administration EDA 792 - Organization and Administration of Schools EDA 795 - Educational Leadership Comprehensive Exam Preparation EDA 796 - Prospectus for Dissertation EDA 797 - Professional Paper EDA 799 - Dissertation EDH 602 - Research Based Decision Making EDH 604 - Management Communications EDH 605 - Introduction to Colleges and Universities EDH 607 - Leadership Development Seminar EDH 608 - HE Law-Masters EDH 609 - Leading Diverse Organizations EDH 610 - Master’s Capstone Experience EDH 618 - Facilities Management and Campus Planning EDH 624 - Readings in Student Personnel Issues EDH 626 - College Student Personnel Services EDH 690 - Masters Internship EDH 691 - Masters Independent Study EDH 703 - History of American Higher Education EDH 705 - HE Law-Doctoral EDH 706 - Current Issues in Higher Ed EDH 707 - Designing & Critiquing Research In Education EDH 708 - The American Community College EDH 709 - Seminar in the Economics of Higher Education EDH 710 - Finance and Budgeting in Higher Education EDH 712 - Title IX and Gender Equity EDH 714 - Understanding Minority Serving Institutions EDH 715 - Theory of Educational Organizations EDH 719 - Institutional Advancement EDH 723 - Women in Higher Education EDH 727 - College Students in the United States EDH 730 - Institutional Assessment EDH 732 - Readings in Administration of Higher Education EDH 733 - The Professorate EDH 737 - Ethical Dimensions of Higher Education Leadership EDH 738 - Public Policy in Higher and Post-Secondary Education EDH 739 - Organization Change & Innovation in Higher Education EDH 740 - Comparative and International Higher Education EDH 742 - Academic Governance in Higher Education EDH 745 - Institutional Planning in Higher Education EDH 750 - Special Topics in Higher Education EDH 780 - Seminar: Teaching in Higher Education EDH 785 A - Practitioner Experience Seminar EDH 785 B - Practitioner Experience Seminar EDH 785 C - Practitioner Experience Seminar EDH 790 - Doctoral Internship EDH 791 - Doctoral Independent Study EDH 796 - Dissertation Proposal Preparation EDH 799 - Dissertation EDW 530 - Tools for Success in Secondary Workforce Education EDW 539 - Methods of Teaching in Workforce Education EDW 571 - Advising Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) EDW 575 - Performance-Based Education EDW 597 - Workforce Education Externship EDW 692 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access in Career-Technical Education and Training Development


2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

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  • ECO 709 - Regional Economic Analysis

    Credits 3

    Theoretical and empirical analysis of the regional component of economic activity. Examination of location factors, regional and urban development theory, and regional/urban structure and growth theory. Explores regional analysis and forecasting.

    Graduate Standing.

  • ECO 740 - Quantitative Methods for Economics

    Credits 3

    Application of mathematics to economic analysis.

    Graduate standing within the Lee Business School, or by consent of the instructor.

  • ECO 765 - Labor Economics

    Credits 3

    Examination of competing theories of labor market behavior. Topics include theories of labor supply, labor demand, wage determination, unemployment, discrimination and the impact of unions and government institutions on labor market outcomes.

    Graduate Standing.

  • ECO 770 - Econometric Approaches to Causal Analytics

    Credits 3

    Fundamentals of mathematical statistics for econometric analysis and the theory of linear least squares estimation and inference. Focuses onmodern methods designed to identify causal relationships with economic data, including randomized controlled trials, instrumental variables, difference in differences, and regression discontinuity designs.

    Graduate standing in the Lee Business Schoolorconsent of instructor.

  • ECO 772 - Advanced Econometric Methods

    Credits 3

    Advanced econometric methods for economic and business data and the associated hypothesis testing. Identification and estimation of models with endogeneity, nonlinear models including with limited dependent variables andsample selection, methods forpanel data, and other advanced regressionmodels.

    Graduate standing, ECO 770.

  • ECO 773 - Data-Driven Forecasting Methods for Business

    Credits 3

    Data-driven time-series forecasting and predictive model-building techniques for business and economic applications. Time-series smoothing, decomposition, seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) modeling, volatility forecasting, and machine-learning approaches for univariate and multivariate predictive analysis.

    Graduate standing and ECO 770.

  • ECO 780 - Seminar in Economic Theory and Policy

    Credits 3

    Designed for the study of some specialized topic in economic theory or policy.

    ECO 702, and ECO 770.

  • ECO 784 - Internship

    Credits 3

    Professional internship with business firms, non-profit organizations or government agencies. Mid-project and final project reports required.

    Approval of the Economics Graduate Coordinator.

    ECO 793

  • ECO 790 - Independent Study

    Credits 1 – 6

    Directed research course under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty, culminating in a written paper.

    Consent of Department Chair or Graduate Coordinator.

  • ECO 791 - Thesis

    Credits 3 – 6

    Research, analysis, and writing towards completion of thesis and subsequent defense.

  • ECO 793 - Seminar in Economic Research

    Credits 3

    Provides hands-on training in empirical modeling, promotes critical thinking, focuses on use of tool kit of research techniques and reinforces understanding of economic concepts relating to economics research.

    ECO 701, ECO 702, ECO 740, ECO 770 or approval of the Economics Graduate Coordinator.

  • ECO 794 - Professional Paper

    Credits 3

    Directed research under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty, culminating in a professional paper.

    ECO 793 and approval of the Economics Graduate Coordinator.

  • ECO 795 - Capstone Experience

    Credits 3

    Culminating practical application of knowledge and competencies involving economic modeling and econometric analyses of data.

    ECO 793

  • EDA 700 - Special Problems in Educational Administration

    Credits 1 – 6

    Specialized areas of instruction in educational administration designed to emphasize understanding and depth in current administrative procedures.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 706 - Selected Problems in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Identification of current problems in administration and development of solution strategies.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 707 - Critique of Research in the Administrative Process

    Credits 3 – 6

    Survey and analysis of data pertinent to research in educational management.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 710 - Ethics and Professionalism, Mission, Vision, and Core Values in Educational Leadership

    Credits 3

    Engages inspecialized areas of instruction in educational leadership, including the development of a systems-level shared mission and vision, incorporating input from all stakeholder groups, and demonstrating professional and ethical behavior. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 715 - Issues in Instructional Leadership

    Credits 3

    Introduce students to a variety of instructional frameworks from which to base clinical supervision of instructional staff and to improve educational outcomes for diverse student populations.

    EDA 701

  • EDA 718 - Equity and Cultural Educational Leadership

    Credits 3

    Engages in specialized areas of instruction in educational leadership designed to emphasize understanding and depth in current administrative procedures for equitable treatment, equitable access, culturally and individually responsive practice, and healthy district culture. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 724 - Foundations of Research for Practicing Administrators

    Credits 3

    Engages in the philosophy of science with an emphasis on research design, the strengths, limitations, and constraints of various research methodologies, and the initial development of thedissertation prospectus. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 725 - Quantitative Research Methods I for Practicing Administrators

    Credits 3

    Beginning concepts of quantitative research methods for practicing educational administrators with an emphasis on the application of descriptive and basic inferential statistics to education data and administrative problems of practice.

    Admission to the Doctor of Education - Executive Educational Leadership program.Or consent of the instructor

  • EDA 726 - Quantitative Research Methods II for Practicing Administrators

    Credits 3

    Basic concepts of causal inference for practicing educational administrators with an emphasis on the application of experimental and quasi-experimental methods to education data andadministrative problems of practice.

    Admission to the Doctor of Education - Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of instructor.

  • EDA 727 - Qualitative Research Methods I for Practicing Administrators

    Credits 3

    Basic concepts of qualitative research methods for practicing educational administrators with an emphasis on the application of these methods to education problems, especially administrative problems of practice.

    Admission to the Doctor of Education - Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 730 - Leadership for School System Innovation

    Credits 3

    Engages in developing the knowledge and understandings necessary for creative problem solving and to develop innovation in schools and school systems. Specialized areas of instruction in educational leadership designed to emphasize understanding and depth in current administrative procedures. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 731 - Leaders, Social Justice, and the Public Interest

    Credits 3

    Explores the concept of social justice in systems that serve increasingly dynamic and diverse populations in the public interest. Through problem-based learning, those committed to social justice, will engage in an examination of the everyday effects of race, class, and culture on equity and diversity within local, national, and global contexts.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 732 - Advancing Equity: Gender and Race Issues in Education

    Credits 3

    Examines the veracity of critical theories (e.g. critical feminist theory, critical race theory) for the exploration of educational equity issues. A secondary goal is to provide students from a variety of educational settings/backgrounds the opportunity to study an equity issue of interest, using critical perspectives as a methodological lens.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 737 - Readings in Educational Supervision

    Credits 3 – 6

    Selected readings germane to the field of supervision.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 740 - Administration and Curriculum Improvement

    Credits 3

    Clarifies role of the administrator in improving curriculum and instruction in the public schools.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 745 - Human Dynamics and Organizational Leadership

    Credits 3 – 6

    Provides students with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to undertake leadership responsibilities in complex organizations. Applies concepts and methodologies from the social and behavioral sciences in the analysis of leadership behavior in diverse organizational and community settings.

    Same as
    (HOA 745 and BUS 745)

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 746 - Public Relations Problems for Schools

    Credits 3

    Principles and practices pertaining to methods of working effectively with people in the school and community.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 747 - Urban School Administration

    Credits 3 – 9

    Emphasis placed on administration, development, and organization of areas specific to education in the urban settings. a) Social, political, and power groups within the urban setting. b) Nature of the urban setting utilizing a problem-solving approach.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 750 - School Personnel Administration

    Credits 3

    Emphasis on the nature of personnel administration. Organization for handling personnel problems, group processes, and development of personnel policies relating to salary and working assignments, in-service improvement, and professional relations.

    EDA 701 and consent of instructor.

  • EDA 755 - School Law: Cases, Concepts, and Practice

    Credits 3

    Designed to inform students of various legal authorities and their impact on education and administrative practice. Scope includes various legal dictates from constitutions, cases, policies, and opinions.

    EDA 701 or consent of instructor.

  • EDA 758 - Community and External Leadership

    Credits 3

    Exploresleadership positions in public schools, tocritically analyze community and external leadership in school systems, and designsystem level community and external collaborations and partnerships that would be equity-based. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 760 - Educational Leadership for Policy, Governance, and Advocacy

    Credits 3

    Engagesinspecialized areas of instruction in educational administration,to emphasize understanding and depth in current administrative procedures in effective systems of district governance, in accordance to policies and laws,to respond to local, state, and national decisions and advocate for needs and priorities of the district. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 761 - Management of People, Data, and Processes in Educational Systems

    Credits 3

    Enables educational administrators to apply knowledge and skills to effectively manage district systems, resources, policies, and procedures. Includes differential fees.

    Enrolled in EdD Executive Educational Leadership or Consent of Instructor.

  • EDA 765 - Instructional Leadership for Systematic Change

    Credits 3

    Investigates school systems of learning and instruction with emphasis in: Curriculum; Administration; Supervision; Evaluation; Advanced Methodology; Research; Public Relations; Finance; School Plant; Professional Negotiations; School Law; Materials for Simulation; School Personnel. Includes differential fees.

    This course is restricted to students who have been accepted into the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership program or consent of the instructor.

  • EDA 770 - Individual Instruction in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Provides opportunity for graduate students to select, delimit, and research problems in educational administration.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 771 - Seminar in Educational Administration

    Credits 1 – 6

    Designed for graduate students preparing for leadership positions in public schools. a) Curriculum. b) Administration. c) Supervision. d) Evaluation. e) Advanced Methodology. f) Research. g) Public Relations. h) Finance. i) School Plant. j) Professional Negotiations. k) School Law. l) Materials for Simulation. m) School Personnel.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 773 - Seminar: Constructs of Theory in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Designed to enable teachers and administrators to understand theory and to apply theory in problem solving.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 774 - Advanced Seminar: Topics in School Management

    Credits 3 – 6

    Specific topic selected from a school management area. In-depth study provided to post-master’s students who seek to explore and refine further their administrative skills. Topics to be announced.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDA 775 - Educational Futures and Educational Administration

    Credits 3

    Consideration of futurist thoughts, theories, processes, and predications as these may serve to influence the process of administering public education in tomorrow’s schools.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 785 - Administering Schools in a Political Climate

    Credits 3

    Enables students to understand the political process in administration, to develop strategies for coping in a political climate, and to utilize concepts of power and influence in the school community.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 788 - Independent Study in the Doctoral Program

    Credits 1 – 6

    Provides the opportunity for a doctoral degree student to select and study a particular area of concentration with mutual approval of the instructor.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDA 790 - Internship

    Credits 1–9

    Individually structured experiencein an administrative unit under jointly supervised by educational administrator and a university faculty member.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDA 791 - Practicum in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 12

    Designed to permit a post-master’s student, or one who currently occupies a position of leadership, to function in a supervised setting. Open primarily to doctoral students or others if deemed appropriate by the advisor.

    Consent of advisor and department.

  • EDA 792 - Organization and Administration of Schools

    Credits 3

    Study of the organization and administration of schools including elementary, middle, junior and high schools.

    EDA 701 or consent of instructor.

  • EDA 795 - Educational Leadership Comprehensive Exam Preparation

    Credits 3

    Preparations towards the comprehensive examinationin Executive Educational Leadership. Includes differential fees.

    Enrolled in EdD Executive Educational Leadership, Consent of Instructor, and completion of the required courseworkin the Doctor of Education in Executive Educational Leadership program.

  • EDA 796 - Prospectus for Dissertation

    Credits 3

    Selection and preparation of an experience acceptable to and appropriate for the student, program, and advisor.

    Consent of advisor.

  • EDA 797 - Professional Paper

    Credits 3

    Preparation of an appropriate document utilizing salient features which best portray the experience selected in EDA 796 and offers data in the form found most suitable for defense before a panel or committee should it be required.

    EDA 796 and consent of an advisor.

  • EDA 799 - Dissertation

    Credits 3 – 24

    Preparation of an appropriate document utilizing salient features which best portray the experience selected in EDA 796 and offers data in the form found most suitable for defense before a panel or committee should it be required.

    EDA 796 and consent of advisor.

  • EDH 602 - Research Based Decision Making

    Credits 3

    This master’s level course assists students in how to integrate information from reports, research, surveys, and other forms of data into effective leadership and management decision making processes. The methods and processes for deciphering information will help students detail the strengths and weaknesses of informational sources that administrators commonly encounter.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 604 - Management Communications

    Credits 3

    Master ‘s level course on the administrative and communication aspects of effective leadership within a higher education setting. Equips students with the tools necessary to be effective communicators with various audiences via letters, memorandums, E-mail messages, presentations, and meetings.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 605 - Introduction to Colleges and Universities

    Credits 3

    Master’s level course that provides an introduction to the purposes, goals, and structures of institutions of higher education. Provides a broad view of managerial functions and an understanding of organization, finance, and other issues related to college administration.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 607 - Leadership Development Seminar

    Credits 3

    Analyzes leadership functions related to educational organizations, leadership and management theory and the impact of human resources. Special emphasis placed on use of teams in higher education.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 608 - HE Law-Masters

    Credits 3

    Informs students of various legal authorities and their impact on higher education and administration. Includes review and analysis of legal dictates including federal and state constitutions, statutes, case law policies, and administrative rules.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 609 - Leading Diverse Organizations

    Credits 3

    Provides students with opportunity to reflect on experiences, examinations of theory, and practical application of organizational leadership within the context of diversity.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 610 - Master’s Capstone Experience

    Credits 1

    Provides an integrative, synthesizing experience for students culminating in a written examination or an Option II Paper. Draws on and integrates concepts from previous courses and work experiences to ascertain the big picture perspective of higher education.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 618 - Facilities Management and Campus Planning

    Credits 3

    This course familiarizes students with facilities management, campus planning, and public/private partnerships. The goal of the class is to increase the awareness and understanding of the topic areas and their impact on both the academic and administrative programs at higher education institutions.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 624 - Readings in Student Personnel Issues

    Credits 3

    Explores in detail all aspects of college student personnel work by conducting an extensive review of writings related to theory, practice, and program management.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 626 - College Student Personnel Services

    Credits 3

    Introduction to the field of college student personnel services and the role of CSPW within institutions of higher education. Reviews development of the profession and assessment of current developments.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 690 - Masters Internship

    Credits 3

    Individually structured program designed to enroll the student in an administrative unit or academic experience under the joint supervision of a practicing administrator or faculty member and a university professor.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 691 - Masters Independent Study

    Credits 3

    Research, teaching, or administrative work in a unique area of interest in the field of higher education. All work conducted in cooperation with instructor/advisor.

    Graduate Standing.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 703 - History of American Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Surveys the history of American higher education in the United States with a focus on two-year and four-year institutions, public and private. Begins with its traditional liberal arts origin through the growth of the community college and American research university. Explores how various groups changed the structure of higher education and the challenges these changes created.

    Master’s consent of instructor.

  • EDH 705 - HE Law-Doctoral

    Credits 3

    Designed for graduate students preparing for leadership positions in public schools.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 706 - Current Issues in Higher Ed

    Credits 3

    Assists graduate students in higher education in developing understanding of and appreciation for philosophical and sociological contexts that provide foundation for present system of higher education in America.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 707 - Designing & Critiquing Research In Education

    Credits 3

    Focuseson methods of educational researchto developin-depth understanding of research design and awareness of issues when critiquing research findings.

    EPY 702 or equivalent; Must be accepted into a degree-seeking doctoral program.

  • EDH 708 - The American Community College

    Credits 3

    Development of the contemporary community, junior, and technical college. In-depth examination of history, philosophy, curriculum, and structure of the two-year college. Includes related curriculum topics.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 709 - Seminar in the Economics of Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Designed to expose students to the basic principles of micro economics and fundamental economic theories that tie to education. Students have opportunity to experiment with economics as a tool for examining higher education policy.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 710 - Finance and Budgeting in Higher Education

    Credits 3

    For students who expect to spend their careers in higher education. Provides understanding of the principals related to the economics of education including why society invests in colleges and universities.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 712 - Title IX and Gender Equity

    Credits 3

    Examines the law created to remedy sex discrimination within educational environments andrelevant legal interpretations. Reviews significant lawsuits and explores how the legislation has been applied and judicially clarified over the years through changing social and political climates.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 714 - Understanding Minority Serving Institutions

    Credits 3

    Examines the emergence of the MSI federal designation in higher education and the implications for institutions and all its constituents by engaging the following questions: How do institutions become minority “serving”? What historical and contemporary issues are relevant for MSIs? How do MSIs shape student learning, engagement and success?

    EPY 702(or equivalent)

  • EDH 715 - Theory of Educational Organizations

    Credits 3

    Intense discussion in understanding how higher educational organizations function. Students examine these roles as they relate to the performance of higher education administrators.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 719 - Institutional Advancement

    Credits 3

    Introduction to fundraising and alumni relations operations in contemporary higher education. Examines the assumptions, models, and methods that characterize fund and friend raising. Students will develop a context within which to evaluate the effectiveness of IA programs.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 723 - Women in Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Women’s experiences with higher education structures and policies are studied. We explore intersections of race, gender, socio-economic status and identity development in college women, while considering intersections of feminist theory and historical, social, professional and institutional contexts to shed light on the educational process and how women frequently experience discrimination.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 727 - College Students in the United States

    Credits 3

    Explores how students learn and develop. Strategies to facilitate learning by college students analyzed. Focuses on application of student development theory.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 730 - Institutional Assessment

    Credits 3

    Explores assessment for higher education decision-making. Through team-based learning providesthe opportunity to consult on an assessment project utilizingresearch methods, creating assessment plans, accreditation, and continuous improvement.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 732 - Readings in Administration of Higher Education

    Credits 3 – 6

    Selected readings of literature in higher education; assigned topics in the areas of organization, administration, finance, and/or supervision, agreed upon by both advisor and student.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 733 - The Professorate

    Credits 3

    Designed to engage participants in discussion, research, and writing that focuses on college and University faculty. Analyze faculty as people at work in organizations, consider structural and cultural dimensions of faculty work, and examine the condition of the academic profession within changing environmental contexts.

    Masters consent of instructor.

  • EDH 737 - Ethical Dimensions of Higher Education Leadership

    Credits 3

    Ethical aspects of the culture, activities, and principles relating to leadership in higher education. Students will explore current ethical issues in the post-secondary education setting and prepare a written project focusing on the ethical principles of a higher education leadership issue.

    Masters consent of instructor.

  • EDH 738 - Public Policy in Higher and Post-Secondary Education

    Credits 3

    Focuses on decision making and public policy formation in higher education. Roles of state and national policy-making process studied in depth.

    Master’s consent of instructor.

  • EDH 739 - Organization Change & Innovation in Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Introduces students to philosophical and application tools in which to view public policy. Students will examine higher education policy utilizing these different tools and national databases.

    EDH 792

  • EDH 740 - Comparative and International Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Familiarizes students with international higher education systems. The goal of the course is to examine the similarities and differences of the international systems as they relate to higher education in the United States.

    Master’s consent of instructor.

  • EDH 742 - Academic Governance in Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Theoretical and working knowledge of politics in higher education. Students gain appreciation, understanding and critique of politics and its influences on policy formation.

    Master’s consent of instructor.

  • EDH 745 - Institutional Planning in Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Familiarizes students with institutional planning in higher education with a focus on issues including academic strategy, university management, institutional competition, program evaluation/assessment, and program/institutional accreditation. Planning issues at community colleges, private four-year institutions, and public four-year institutions will be examined.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 750 - Special Topics in Higher Education

    Credits 1-3

    Exposes students to and helps them understand special topics that impact and influence higher education. Variety of special topics offered: student financial aid, enrollment management, academic organization and leadership, and student diversity.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 780 - Seminar: Teaching in Higher Education

    Credits 3

    Weekly seminars in organization, materials, and procedures related to working with college-level students. Includes survey of various teaching techniques, evaluation, and general patterns of instruction.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDH 785 A - Practitioner Experience Seminar

    Credits 3 – 9

    Follows a three-course sequence that combines seminar discussions along with limited practical experience in an administrative office or department of a postsecondary institution. The three seminars center on academic affairs, student services and finance, and administration.

    Completion of doctoral core. (Ed.D. Program)

  • EDH 785 B - Practitioner Experience Seminar

    Credits 3 – 9

    Follows a three-course sequence that combines seminar discussions along with limited practical experience in an administrative office or department of a postsecondary institution. The three seminars center on academic affairs, student services and finance, and administration.

    Completion of doctoral core. (Ed.D. Program)

  • EDH 785 C - Practitioner Experience Seminar

    Credits 3 – 9

    Follows a three-course sequence that combines seminar discussions along with limited practical experience in an administrative office or department of a postsecondary institution. The three seminars center on academic affairs, student services and finance, and administration.

    Completion of doctoral core. (Ed.D. Program)

  • EDH 790 - Doctoral Internship

    Credits 3

    Individually structured program designed to enroll the student in an administrative unit or academic experience under the joint supervision of a practicing administrator or faculty member and a university professor.


  • EDH 791 - Doctoral Independent Study

    Credits 3

    Research in area of unique interest in college student personnel work. Research conducted in cooperation with instructor.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDH 796 - Dissertation Proposal Preparation

    Credits 3

    Acquaints students with resources available to graduate students in conceptualizing, proposing, conducting and reporting research proposals.

    Successful completion of comprehensive examination.

  • EDH 799 - Dissertation

    Credits 3-12

    Culminate research analysis and writing toward completion of dissertation and subsequent defense.

    Limited to doctoral candidates, consent of instructor.

  • EDW 530 - Tools for Success in Secondary Workforce Education

    Credits 3

    Combination of workshops presented by UNLV and School District personnel covering relevant and timely topics deemed important for 1st year Workforce Education teachers. Class meets monthly throughout the school year.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDW 539 - Methods of Teaching in Workforce Education

    Credits 3

    Primarily for students who have completed undergraduate methods courses. Research projects required for each student in his or her field of special interest a) Secondary b) Postsecondary.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDW 571 - Advising Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)

    Credits 3

    Introduces career and technical teachers to all aspects of career and technical education youth organizations, thus providing them with a broad background for integrating these concepts and principles into their classroom instruction. Crosslisted with EDCT 471. Credit at the 500-level requires additional work.

    Same as
    EDCT 471

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDW 575 - Performance-Based Education

    Credits 3

    Introduction to work-based learning programs for secondary and postsecondary career and technical education students. Emphasis on student career planning strategies along with the utilization of appropriate supervised work sites for the development of competitive employment skills, knowledge and dispositions.

    Three credits in instructional methodology or consent of instructor.

  • EDW 597 - Workforce Education Externship

    Credits 3

    Class based upon student reflections of site-based experiences.

    Graduate Standing.

  • EDW 692 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access in Career-Technical Education and Training Development

    Credits 3

    Investigatesdiversity, equity, inclusion, and access issues in learningand training development in formal and informal settings. Aims at diverse roles in workforce preparation to establish awareness and develop cultural competencies to address these issues in school and the workplace.

    Graduate Standing.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.