The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

the AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 5, 1940 PAGE NINE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. TUESDAY Advertising Massified is advertise Ura CASH WITH ORDER 04 lei for or our appreciTHANKS for the friende and -other during our children of Mra. For Rent 206 Park Place. Hitkins. 10-15-t: Phone Comfortable Maury, apartL Mrs.

shot hagalow of Rugby Road. fur 1142. tarnished house it 11-4-2t. Picoe Apartment, Heat, furnished. 2217 11-5-2t.

Syuth rooms: Lighted Reasonable. 723 11-5-St. a drat Ind Cafurnished apartment. Phone bedrooms. 11-5-6t a three apartment.

$35 C. Jeffers room- heated, "fur11-5-2t. apartment: in Room Lagers Clark Apartments. 11-5-tf. Automatic cantianous hot water.

Block Road bus. Phone 6 P. M. 11-4-6t. rooms heated bouse 15th.

Ordia. Phone 332. For Sale ITT 3x6 PerPhone 1470 between U. Approved chicks, ack Monday, also started Hatchery GorTa Ran house op rood size Grove: St. James F.

11-4-6t. Cherrolet sedan, good condicash terms. Privy weed. Call 172-R. B.

J. Bel11-2-3t. aLL Paper Sc per roll up. Red price: on labor. H.

M. JorT. X. C. A.

Bidg. Phone 1887. 11-1-6t. DrOOD, From 1 ft. to ft.

A Murphy at Ruckersville 11-4-6t. NOTAL Sale. Drastic reductions antiques. Moving at 1002 11-4-2t. Hare.

Half- bred. Five a Tory reasonable. Will trade or land. Phone 2927-R. 11-4-1t, Circulating coal heater.

cotta Ne. Phone 1521-R. after 11-5-1t. Enamel coal range. Reasory Tro shot guns.

Call 11-5-1t. ERNITURE STORAGE Near Space Private Ca. Ins. Sicate Dept DE. O.

RUDAY Chiropodist Sadleanl Bank Bldg. Phone 851 Piano Tuning Ser Testimonials J. LATERNEAU Market 84. LOVING GRATING PACKING SHIPPING 1296 E. NORCROSS Monticello Rd.

MOLE THE TABLE at E- Third Finger Left "Dancing On at 1:33 Edison. The Min County Singers Hold Convention 17th Annual Meeting At Miller School: Draws Large Crowd The 17th annual. session the Albemarle County Singer's Conven- tion was held Sunday, at Miller. School. The H.

Simmons presided: and the tonal program was led by H. Via, the president. W. Flannegan of Miller School gave the address of welcon Miss Ruth Hunt acted as secretary in the absence of Annie Oliver, who is ill in the Martha, Jefferson Hospital, The program opened with "The Story of Love" sung by the dience. Those taking part were: Galley Critzer, Dolling Quartette, Youth Choir, Trinity, Betheny, Baptist Sunday School Chorus, Trinity Methodist Church Choir, McIntire Chorus, Miller School Student Body.

After lunch the program opened with the singing of "Rock of Ages. Those taking part were the Yowell Family, Alois Yowell, L. Simmons. W. B.

Jones; Miss Naomi Clayton, and the men's chorus of Charlottesville, Christian Church. Oncers were elected as president: H. Simmons, Miss: 'Annie H. Oliver, secretary; Mrs. Via.

chairman of work committee. The program, closed with prayer Fled: by: the Rev. Jacob Via. C. C.

Annual Dinner Slated For Thursday. Judging from the number of res ervations received, there will: be good turnout for the annual banquet of the Charlottesville and Albemarle. County. Chamber of Commerce Thursday in the Monticello Hotel, The guest speaker at. the dinner will be Frank Bane, -of Washington, director of the division of state and local cooperation for the National Defense Commission.

The banquent will follow the Chamber of. Commerce's annual business meeting at which four directors from the county and two from the city will be elected for period of two years. The C. of C. president is elected by the direc-1 tors at a later meeting.

Miscellaneous DRIVEWAYS Asphalt- Why worry through another winter with that muddy, slippery or unsightly driveway? We can give it an economical, Aong-lasting, and permanently non-skid surface in a few hours and at small cost: No no gravel; nothIns to track into the house. Phone Rural R025-J fof estimates. Vindinia Asphalt Paving Co. BOARDERS For warm double room, Comfort Inn. 415, 2nd.

Street N. E. Phone 723. WANTED Immediately, 3 to room apartment, un? furnished in or near Belmont sectron. 62 Progress, 11-4-2t.

PITHY PARAGRAPHS THE War should run smoothly now. Greece is a great lubricant. "The best is cheapest in the end." Brown Taylor, Inc. 11-5-tt. PLANT Now evergreens, abade trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, Iris and peonica-making your lection from Virginia's most tensive collection.

You are invited to either visit Waynesboro Nurse ries and make your selection write for new price list. 10-21-10t. GUARANTEED Radio repairing, reasonable prices, all "mikes pertly serviced. Radio. Sales Service.

:10 First Street, South. Phone: 1100. 11-2-3t. SWEET Cider, ice cold. 39c gallon.

4 University Grocery. Phone. 147.: 10-31-6 TREF. Surgery--Big tree moving. landscaping.

trimming, feeding. Snow's. Nursery. WANT To buy. good second hand memeograph machine.

Box 912 Daily Progress. PRIZE Winning always Interests Yolks. Try the Proctor Gamble Laundry content. Our. servicemen will explain or Just.

Call 200 City. Laundry, FOR Your Convenience-DampwAsh. Service at only 48c for ten Just The City Laun dry. Preston Grady Ave. 11-5-1t WANTED.


INC. CORNER FIRST AND ET ST Funeral Home PHONE Obituaries JACOB SHOTWELL. Funeral services for Jacob B. Shotwell, Sunday night, will held toof Buraleys, died morrow afternoon! at 2:30 o'clock from Mt. Lebanon Church at.

leys. Interment will be in the famIly cemetery. The Rev." Henry Knight will onciate. Mr. Shotwell was native of Burnleya, son of the late Shotwell, Tasewell and Rebecca (Mahanes) and was 61 years of age, Surviving are his ridow, Mrs.

Bertha Birckhead Shotwell; four daughters, Mrs. Mrs. Grover Farrer, of this city; Lewis Shotwell, both of Burnand Misses Ruby and and three sons, Gilmer Shotleys, well, of the U. Navy, J. B.

well, Jr. and Allen Shotwell, of Burnleys. Mr. Shotwell leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mary Madison, of Lynch, and Alonzo Hall of Burnleys, NRA GIBSON RITES The funeral of Mrs.

Ray Gibson, wife of Abraham Gibday son, was afternoon' from the Christian held, at 3 ed Church. by Edwin Sweeney, assisted the service being conductby the Rev. Paul's William Memorial H. Laird, Church, rector of Bh University. Cemetery, Interment with was the following servRiverview active palbearers: James ing Roberta, Jack Clements, Roy Sacre, Wingneld.

Richard Bingler, Matt F. W. Maya, Dean Gibson, and nett Hogan. JAMES L. STALLY James Leverett Staley, retired salesman, and resident of the ally for 'the past 20 years, died at early hour this morning at bla Fourteenth Street, after an extended illness.

Mr. Staley was native of Buchanan' County, son of the fate Rev. David and Martha Ann (Pollard) Staley, and was years of age. He married Miss Cornelia Curd of near Schuyler, who survives, with ten children, six sons and B. Staley of Richmond, Henry E.

Staley of Chicago, 1 Louis C. Staley of Farmingion, Pollard La. Staley of this city, James Howard Staley of dianapolia, William A. Staley of Canton, China; Mrs. Elizabeth Pitt of Alexandria, 1 Fred Reinhard of Lilly Brook, W.

Mrs. David Dawson and Mra. J. Herbert Johnson, of Atlanta, Ga. He also leaves one sister, Mrs.

B. Crouch of The funeral will be beld Roanoke, Thursday afternoon from Hill and Irving's Funeral Home with interment in the Monticello Memorial Park. RUFVS MORRIS Rufus Morria of Mechum's River died at an early hour this morning. after an extended illness. Mr.

Morris was a native of Albemarle, son of Newton and Nettie (Shifletti Morris, and was 26 years of age. Besides his parents. he. survived by five brother's and four sisters--Raymond Morris of Doylesvilla, Randolph Morris of Boonesville; Theodore, Dewey and Fulton Morris of. Mechum's River; Mrs.

Edith McAllister and Miases Dorothy and Stella Morris 'of Mechum's River, and Mrs. Thomas Shiflett of Crozet: The funeral will be held' from Prize Hill Church at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the he conducted by the Rev. Freeman Flake. Interment will follow In the churchyard. Greek Freighter Is In Neutral Harbor KETCHIKAN, Nov.

8. Guard headquarters reported today the Greek freighter Georgios Potomanias had taken refuge at harbor, In the Aleutians, because of fears for Its vaafety since Greece's involvement in war. The ablp, reported to have entered the neutral port Friday, on orders from the Greek Government. It was enroute from Wilmington Dell to Japan. Your Future Cam be made more secure by insurance CITY.

MORTGAGE INSURANCE CO. Phone 698: Representing THE TRAVELERS, 1 Motorists Urged To Watch Signs Safety Council Notes Trouble At. The New Lights On Main St. Apparently there are many prople who don't know. the signincance of the left and right hand tram lanes at the stop lights: on West Main Street, said members of the Safety Council at their' meeting last "Unless you are going to make -a turn off Main Street," they advined, "do not atop in the lane marked for left turna.

Do not. pass another car at any of these stop lights." Chief Grenver told: the Council that the city was thinking of ing large arrows curving into the right lane. The subject of awarding a prize. to the merchant operating delivery trucks who has the safest driving record at the and of the year was discussed. Parking on both.

sides of Park Street near the home of C. W. Hul. fish was discussed. It was pointed out that the street was too narrow to permit to park on both sides.

Among other matters presented to the Council were the ness of Fry's Spring road from Main Street to the C. a of underpass and the narrow underpass Preston of the Southern Railway on The Safety Council urged bicycle riders to stop at all traffic lights. Members of the Council present were: Mris. James Elizabeth P. Beard, Borden, secretary: chairman; W.

A. Barkadale, Chief of Police M. F. Greaver, Fire Chief C. Stuart Hamm, Randolph Harrison; Edward Farinbolt and William Rinehart.

Six Rotary, Clubs Will Meet Here Friday An meeting of Rotary at clubs the of Firat this- Methodist district Church, this will he held In city, this at group, the clubs of Louisa, o'clock Friday evening. Sperry Fredericksburg, Orange and Culpeper will be represented along Branch with the host club. of the Frederickaburg club; will be in charge of the program, and the subject will be "Athletics." Speakers will include Capt. Norton Pritchett, Art Guepe, and (Butch) Slaughter, of the University, Town In Hit By Bombs Today BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA, Nov. -UP -Three warplanes undetermined: nationality bombed the Yugoslav city of Bitoll near the Greek- war front 10- day, killing two persons and wounding five, 14 was announced oicially, The announcement said bombs hit the railway, station and.

dame aged military bullding and port. It was understood an emergency meeting of the Yugoslay Cabinet wan. called in Belgrade to consider the -Additional -unconfirmed reports said Biton had been subjected to three separate attacks. Both Greece and Italy disclaimed any responsibility. Greek Minister Taoul Rosetti declared it was impossible for Greek Niets to have bombed the Italian legation on officials eliciarnd the planes were Greek.

About. 40 bombs were reported dropped in the attack. Home Demonstration Meetings To Be Held Mrs. Resale Dunn Miller, County Home Demonstration Agent, will attend a mecting of the Alberene club' tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. o'clock at the mission to rive demonstration on "Foods." On Thursday Mrs.

Miller wilt give demonstration on 'Crafts" at meeting of the Howardaville Home Demonatration Club to be held al 10 A. M. at the Masonic. Hall. other demonatrations on "Foods" are scheduled for this week, On Friday a meeting will be held at 1:30 P.

M. John's sion and on Saturbay the Free. Union group will meet at 2:30 at the home of Mra. W. A.

Kyger. Women Pledge Service To National Defense -Alt women in This section who have had professional. home pronomica training. are urged to regis. ter in the omee of the County Home Demonatration Agent in the Charlottesville on day as a national defense The American Home Economica Association has pledged its.

vices to national defense and has asked that for emergency service every home economics trained person, whether employed or a homemaker, to register and designate the service they can render in. cast of Mias R. Belle Burke of the veralty is district chairman of the committee registration and Mrs. Ruth Burruns Huff, Assistant County Home Demonstration Agent, la chairnian of the Committee. Hampton People Vote On Sanitary 1- District NORFOLK, Nov.

8-49 dents of Hampton Roads communi-: ties voted for the second time today on the question of establishing sanitation district to eliminate pollution of the waters of the area, similar proposal was defeated, 10,125 to 9,001 two years The boundaries of the district have been changed some this time, embracing the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News, South Norfolk and Hampton; the entire counties Elizabeth City and Warwick, and portions of Princess Anne, Norfolk, of Wight, Nansemond and York Counties. If the proposal wins majority of the vote, a Ave-man commission would be appointed by the Gover. nor to direct the project, Another election would have to be held on bond lasue to Anance sewage dis posal plants before the system could established. Midwest Citizens Casting Record Vote CHICAGO, Not. Midwestern citizens took a direct hand today in the furious fight for the region's electoral Record turnouts were sighted most of the states in a sector that assumed the aspects of natural battle held In the light of cretic Presidential victories in 1932.

and 1934 -and Republican come backs in Ohio's briskest campaign of the century was expected to bring out 3,380,000 voters, and all-time high. Illinois' political prophets looked for new total. vote mark In cess of, 4,000.000. With Michigan's probable vote approaching 3,000.000, Republican State Leslie -B. -Butler looked for his party to win by more than 90,000, Mri.

E. L. Belen, Democretic vice chairman, asserted that Roosevelt would triumph by 000. Indiana Willkie's native prezared for 4 1.700,000 Vote. 7 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DANK THE: YES AND LOAN THERE ARE IS ECONOMICAL WAY OTHER ADVANTAGES 10 BORROW.

These Citizens Bank Loan Plans are designed for Your Needs Various seeds for arising portunicies, be wired by one of plans Loans of Automobile Lesas -Modernization Loans this Bank. Several types are available Collateral Loans. And varices plane are designed to the requirements of the individual bocrower. Our sanding of your mosey problems, gained years of basking experience, is your amurance diss your loan through this Bank will he handled to your complete Come in. Let's go The Citizens Bank Trust Company You'll Like Banking At The Citizens" for aty County Princess Anne Youth Is Shot Accidentally NORFOLK, Nov.

S. Robert Steven, 19, hunting guide, of False Princess. Anne County, was and -in a critical. dition in a hospital here today suf. fering from 1 gunshot wounds in the left hand and left aide of the fare.

The wounds were inflicted when Stevens' shotgun accidentally went' off while he was at. the Dudlry Gunning Club yeaterday. The Virginia Beach emergenry ambulance rushed the wounded man to the hospital shortly after the shooting. and an emergency operation was perfornied. Football Player Hurt Badly HARRISONBURG.

Nov. 5 Hospital attaches said today that Howard Childress, Academy football player, had not regained consciousness but that there had been a "alight In his condition sinre he entered the honpital. Hospital attendants: added that he "apparently was going all right" and was "holding his own." Childress, an Elizabethion, boy, Injured In the Bailie prep 'game al Woodstock Saturday and was brought' to the hospital here. He lost consciousness after being removed from the game and suffered brain hemorrhages after being rushed here. Questionnaires Sent Out To Volunteers RICHMOND, Nov.

tonnaires have been sent out to those men throughout the State who volunteered to their local lective -service boards for a year's military training. Indications were that the State's Initial allotment of 122 to begin training late this month would come mostly from the volunteers. a Frank I. French, of the mond bourd, said 'that volunteers would be difected to report order 'for medical examinations in the in which their questionnaires were returned. It was believed: likely, therefore, that the frat: volunteers to return: their answers this would be the ones chosen to fill city's initial quota of eight men.

Meanwhile, workers at the State selective service hendquarters began the task of apportioning the State's first year net quota of 0.147 men to the various: local boards Seyeral days probably will be required for the work. For Sale We Bosweod. 134 ft. lift, wide. planted.

Boxwood hedge 13 ft. high 106 ft. long. Holly, maples to so: ft. high.

Special on small boxwook, arborvitae, per seniala, Snow's Nursery. 11-4-6t. IF You want bargain: in ton and one, half- Ford truck. of once. 501 Orange St.

after 6 M. J. N. McBride 11-5-24 CHEAP Flat top desk. Excellent condition.

Phone 1655. 11-51t DIAMOND Ring spout 1 carat encasem*nt platinuda solitaire, perfect gem cost $450 sacrifice $155. Will send for examination. 73. Progress.

11-5-2t. DELCO Shallom- pump. Sell cheap. Telephone Rural 7213. 0 00 0 11-5-1t LARGE Circulating oil heater.

Reasonable. Call 1521-R after $:00 P. M. 11-5-16 GOOD Beagle hound for rabbits. Ellis Weaver, Barboursville, Va.

Help Wanted MAN Between 18 and 25 for work in retail store. References required. 100 W. Main Pt BOY For paper route. Apply Progress Once.

-COOKING And genera References. Call at: 34 University Circle. In evening between 7:30 P. SALESLADY. Must have at least 3 years experience selling conte dresses, etc.

The Parisian. 11-5-1t. RESPONSIBLE Colored man. in gentleman's country house. Must be handy with tools and safe driver of family car, References required and must be riven in first answer, Write Box 1, WHITE Woman for general housework: $6 week, room and board.

Mary Li Cash, 621 Franklintown Road, Baltimore. 11-5-3t. MAID, Cook and general work, to live In country home. Write Box 1 Progress 11-2-3t Business Service LADIES Fur coats lined. All kinds walloring.

Mopelk, 220 1-2 W. Main. Mon. Bus. Opportunity INCREASE Your income.

Take orders for fast-selling Golden Chicks. No stock to carry. No dei liveries. collections. Cash profIts paid in advance! Have.

your "profitable business selling Ohio 8. Approved Golden Rule and live- delivery guarantces. Chick losses placed free, Write today to Golden Rule Hatchery, Box 37, Bucyrus, Ohlo. 10-22-24-28-31 Position Wanted COLORED Woman wants work cook or housework, Box 291 Progress Lost WHITE And black ticked English setter near Barracks Road. G.

W. Phone 11-5-2t. STRAYED From my on Park Street, pair goata, 'Finder please call 1123 or 11-5-2t. LADIES Dark wine: pocketbook, Sat. afternoon on Main St.

Reward. Return to Progress. 11 4-2t. Instruction TARLATON' Business School produces satisfactory results: competent office 'assistants placed "in remunerative positions. 11-4-6t: Miscellaneous EXPERT Floor sanding and re Free quotatios upua quest Phone 178-Jackson Corp Market: WITKINS Transfer storage Local bauling moving.

Closed vans Experienced movers. Phone for tree estimates. IT May be 3 to 1 for Willkie or 3 to 1 for Roosevelt but its 10 to 1 you'll miss the time of your life if you don't make Shep's Tavern the first last stop tomorrow night. Big Election Jamboree. Open all night! Steak country ham dinners! Favors -noise makers! Shep's Tavern.

Ri. 29 Rio Rd. Election returns facilities available! FOR Best in seafoods. Phone 160, 750. We clean and deliver.

Quality and service for 18 years. Cloy Fish 11-4-6. Market: Negroes To Sponsor Defense Conference HAMPTON, Nov. -A natonal conference.op the 'ton of in national tense will open at Hampton lute on November 25, the Institute board of trustees announced today. More than 200., persona are pected to attend the conference, which will study all aspects of Negro participation in the defense program.

The two day meeting will open immediately after the Inauguration of Dr. Malcolm 8, as Hampton's sixth president. Among the participants on the Incomplete program announced day are Aubrey Williams and MaryMcLeod Bethune of the National: Youth. Administration; Surgeon Geenral Thomas W. Parran, Dry Roscoe Brown' and Dr.

Warren F. Draper of -the U. S. Public Health Service; Col. West Hamilton of the U.

8. Army; nollus King. of the Farm Credit Administration; Robert C. Weaves, and Frances William of -the Na. Defense Commission: Dr.

Harold. Benjamin, dean and of the Dr. Unle versity of Maryland, ney B. Hall, superintendent of llo Instruction In: Virginia; WILHOIT-DAVIS Buy A Used Car With Confidence From Wilhoit Davis Motors Market 5th. Phone 2800 SHAVING MUG TALC SHAVING LOTION SOAP COLOGNE DEODORANT From the clog Highland fragrance to the sturdy.

little SEAFORTH, bears the unmistakable mark of a man's product. it folat heather of the Covatry of the High, choice of alt over the ONE DOLLAR EACH HETS TWO 10 Drug Store PHONE AUTO PICTURE the man you want to be! Perhaps you're admired the pa of other men and, after analysing, always darted the way they dress. clothes are always and neatly pressed they'd Just. stopped out tailor's shop. They're sure sure of because they knew all the little details hare hen taken care of the picture perfert.

Investigate further and you'll find so many send their clothes to ten's. Why net And Remember, it's Better to Send it to Sarton's than Wish you had" EXPERT ALTERING AND REPAIRING TOO! SAXTON'S PHONE 185.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.