Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana (2024)

a a 2-The Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Ind. Around Town INDIANAPOLIS (UP) Live stock: Hogs barrows and gilts 50-75 lower; No 1-2 200-240 lb 39.75- $0.25, 200-250 1b 39.00-39.50; No 1-3 250-260 lb 38.00-39.25: one lot No 2-3 280 37.00; No 3 330 35.00; sows mostly steady to 25-50 higher over 500 lb; No 1-3 300-450 lb 32.00-33.00, 450-600 fb 33.00-34.00. one lot 535 lb 34.25. Cattle steers 50 higher; heifers mostly steady: utility cows mostly steady: utility and commercial cows 2.00 lower: bulls steady; choice steers 66.00-67.00; good and choice 64.50-66.00; good 69.00-66.00; choice heifers 64.00- 65.00: good and choice 62.00-64.00; utility cows 50.00-52.00, individual 53.00; utility and commercial 44.00-48.00;- yield grade bulls 60.00-63.00. Sheep 10; small lot choice spring lambs 1.00 higher at 59.00.

Indiana Direct Hogs By United Press International A range of prices at 70 Indiana rural markets: Demand moderate to good; barrows and gilts 75 lower; No 200-240 1b 38.25-39.25 few 39.50, 240-250 lb 37.75-38.50; No 1-3 250-260 lb 37.00-38,00; sows under 450 lb steady to 50 lower, heavier steady to 1.00 higher; No 1-3 300-450 1b 29.00-30.50, 450-600 lb 30.00-32.00, few 32.50. LOUISVILLE (UPI) Livestock: Hogs barrows and gilts 1.00-1.25 lower; No 1-2 210-240 lb 39.25-39.95; sows 1.00 higher; No 1-2 340-630 lb 32.50-34.75. Cattle and calves steers higher; heifers 1.00-1.50 choice higher: steers 64.60-66.90; choice other classes steady; heifers 64.50-67.00; utility COwS 45.00-51.00; yield grade 1-2 bulls 58.00-63.00; choice vealers 86.00- 98.00. Sheep 25; lambs untested. CHICAGO (UPI) Wheat was mixed, corn lower and soybeans irregularly lower at midmorning Monday on the Chicago Board of Trade.

Wheat was off 2 to up cents; corn off 1 to 1 and soybeans off 2 4 to 4 cents. A major negative influence in the market was the good weekend growing conditions over corn and soybean belt and an outlook for continued favorable conditions. grain movement was light. The cash basis price was steady to weaker for corn and mostly steady for soybeans. There were some reports of wheat export interests.

The first delivery notices were tendered Monday totalling 500,000 bushels of corn, 1,010,000 bushels of wheat and 575,000 bushels of soybeans. Prices at 10:35 a.m., CDT: Wheat Sept, 4.24 up Dec. 4.33 off March 4.42 unchanged. Corn Sept. 2.70 off Dec.

2.71 off 1: March 2.83 off 1 Soybeans Sept. 6.92 off 4 Nov. 6.94 off Jan. 7.09 12 off 2 Association. the American Dietetic Association and the Consumer Federation of America.

Police Hospital Notes Reports A hit and run driver struck a 1968 model auto owned by Logansport James Hackett, 1635 Meadlanw while it was ADMITTED parked in the north lot at Schuyler Conklin, 925 Logansport High School Garfield Ave. between 8 a. m. and 1 p. m.

Myrtle M. Dishner, 1713 Friday, according to his reErie Ave. port to police. There was $200 Crystal L. Gardner, 631 damage to the right door and North St.

fender. Linda 1 L. McGuire, 119 E. Linden Ave. Mary A.

Moss, 1509 Erie Frank R. Nethercutt, Royal reported her automobile Center. was struck by a hit and run Searcy, driver sometime after 2 Ronald W. 921 St. p.m.

Findley Eleanor Snodgrass, Twin Saturday while it was parked in front of her residence. She Hills Camp Ground. said the left front fender and Patricia A. Winters, Walton. DISMISSED bumper was damaged.

Francis J. Perrone, 516 E. James Handy, 1500 N. Third Main St. Lester S.

Rt. 5. reported at 12:43 p.m. Sharon A. Money, Fick, 4314 Lex- Saturday that a heavy duty vehicle tow bar was stolen Vanessa from his garage.

The bar was ington Road. M. Pope, 806 N. Pearl St. valued at $150.

Monticello Lugar Backs DISMISSED Patricia Alpha. Stephen Van Vorst. Nutrition Kathy L. Munji, Great Lakes, Ill. Label Bill Rochester Richard WASHINGTON, Lugar D.C.

is cosSen. ADMITTED ponsor of two bills to provide Rick Gearhart, Fulton. nutrition labeling of food proMary Lowe, Rt. 5. ducts.

bills DISMISSED Lugar said the are Elizabeth Mattice, 1006 designed to present nutrition information to consumers in a Wabash Ave. Mrs. Michael McFarland clear fashion without imposing hardship on the food and son, Akron. Betty Marshall, 1502 College industry. Labels foods St.

of all packaged Cynthia Woods, Rt. 7. carry, calories full ingredient Cecil Ogle, Macy. listing, per serving, a breakdown of the proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the amount of sodium and Today's Markets cholesteral. The legislation is supported by numerous groups, includthe American Medical Woman Pinned Between Cars Mabel C.

Musall, 60, Rockfield, was treated at Memorial Hospital after she was pinned between two automobiles Saturday at 12:10 p.m. According to police, Musall was driving through the alley between East Market Street and Broadway near Seventh Street when she heard a noise and thought she had struck something. She pulled onto Seventh Street and got out of her car to check. A vehicle driven by Risa L. Nance, 34, Peru, pulled up to the intersection of Seventh and the alley as the Musall vehicle rolled backwards, pinning Musall between the two autos, police said.

Park Cited For Violation MONTICELLO The Lancaster Mobile Home Park here is one of 10 Indiana facilities cited for failure to complete monthly tests of drinking water. Federal regulations require that the drinking water be tested monthly. The U.S. Environmental Agency said that, because the water had not been tested in six months, the agency could not assume that the water supplied by the facility was safe for human consumption. The manager of the mobile home park, Betty Duffy, said that she did not send in the monthly samples because she had run out of the forms and didn't know where to obtain them.

She said that she had finally obtained the forms from the health department and a sample was sent to the State Board of Health last week. WORD TRAVELS FAST IN THE WANT ADS 24. Airstream travel troiler. Self-contained, ready to trav. el.

Will install on your vehicle new $400 Reese hitch. $1600 firm. Phone 000-0000. IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS FOR RESULTS LIKE THIS PHONE 722-5000 CLASSIFIED ADS FORT WAYNE, Ind. (UPI) Three dozen members of Ku Klux Klan organizations in five Indiana communities marched in the suburban Fort Wayne community pi Waynedale Sunday, but the marchers were outnumber by news media who covered the occasion.

The KKK members also were outnumbered by members of two groups who came more than 150 miles to protest the march. About eight times as many people turned nut for a prayer meeting held at the same time as the march. Reporters covering the march said the Klansmen were from five Indiana cities Fort Wayne, Kokomo, Anderson, Marion and Muncie, so they did not see it as pointing to a resurgence Klan. Their march on a six block route took about 20 minutes and they were whisked away by police as soon at it was over. No Violence In Klan March During the march, the Klansmen were surrounded by two dozen police, carrying gas masks and riot clubs, and a division of 27 police reserves also prepared for trouble.

"There was no trouble and no arrests. A group from Chicago called the Revolutionary Socialist League and the Committee Against Racism from Lake County both had more members present than did the Klan. They had bullhorns, which they used to shout slogans such as "Hey hey hey ho ho, the KKK has to go" and "'The Klan is the scum of the Klansmen passed out literature, but did not attempt to confront their tormenters. Most of the Klan members were wearing their white robes and hoods without masks but several Klansmen were dressed in grey uniforms with white belts and helmets that included Confederate flags. Police allowed them to carry MACE and billy clubs.

but no guns. Three Local Boys Arrested For Stealing Three Bicycles Logansport police arrested seven juveniles for a variety of offenses over the weekend. Three youngsters, including a nine-year-old boy, were arrested for possession of stolen property from the theft of three bicycles. Craig Baker, 16, 524 Front and Gary James, 14, 524 W. Linden were named in the arrests but the identity of the nine-year-old was not released Four Die In State Accidents Four persons died in weekend traffic accidents around Indiana, including the former director of the Muncie Human Rights Organization.

Three persons died in crashes Sunday. A car-train crash in Muncie Sunday morning killed Mile Miles, 77, who had been director of the Muncie Human Rights Organization. Police say the car, driven by the victim's grandson, Sherman Nathan, 33, waited at the railroad crossing for a Norfolk and Western freight to pass, then started across the tracks. The car was struck by a Conrail freight that had approched from the opposite direction without being noticed. A two-car crash along Indiana 15 two omiles north of Silver Lake in Kosciusko County killed a Connie Robinson.

17, Warsaw, Police say she was driving a car that crossed the centerline and collided with a vehicle driven by Terry Moore, 28, Silver Lake. A car-semi truck accident three miles west of Fowler in Benton County early Sunday resulted in the death of Michelle Butter, 16. Earl Park. The other weekend traffic death was that of Larry Strickhorn, 31, Lowell, whose pickup truck collided with a truck on Indiana 10 about a mile east of Roselawn late Friday night. Juvenile Aid Division Lt.

James Jackson said the arrests came after an investigation into the theft of three bicycles within the past two weeks. The bicycles, valued at $800, were stripped of their parts after the thefts but two have been recovered, Jackson said. James Walls, 14, 304 W. Wabash was arrested by Juvenile Aid Division officers Saturday for possession of stolen property. His arrest, which was not related to the others, was also in connection with a bicycle theft.

The two-wheeler was recovered by police. John R. Miller. 16, 1617 Miles was arrested Friday for mischief after he allegedly drove repeatedly across the grass at Dunwoody Park, 18th Street and Eel River. The youth has agreed to help in restoring the park grass, Jackson said.

Joseph E. Corcoran, 16, 1823 E. Market was arrested for conversion over the weekend for an incident at J.C. Penneys, Logansport Mall. A 15-year-old was arrested for trespassing after he was identified as being responsible for throwing rocks, dirt and tomatoes Into a swimming pool and outdoor sauna at a southside home.

UPI Monopoly Winner Richard Sayler, 23 of Fort Wayne, over 100 other players. He won a trip throws Monopoly money up after to New York to play in the national winning the regional Monopoly championships. championships in Chicago Sunday Indiana News Briefs Division Director Robert N. Skinner also said continued claims were up somewhat due mainly to previous layoffs in automotive and supplier plants. CHICAGO (UPI) The Federal Aviation Administration has approved a "negative enviromental impact" statement for expansion and improvements at the Warsaw, Municipal Airport.

That means there were no substantial environmental problems associated with the project. Such a statement is the first step in the request for $600,000 in federal funds for the project, which will cost $750,000 in all. INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) A private study recommends relocation of the Indianapolis Zoo. The study, by Zooplan Associates, Wichita. and funded by Lilly Endowment, said the city would support a larger 200, and for the zoo "to realize full potential as a service to the community, relocation INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) The Indiana State Medical Association will stage its 130th annual convention Oct.

13-17. The convention's theme will be "Medicine in the Nuclear Age" and will feature sessions on the radical effect of space age. technology upon the medical profession. Members of the House of Delegates will consider such issues as prescribing controlled drugs for oneself, responsibility for service review of Medicare patients, a smoking ban at future association functions and a public information campaign about adverse effects of smoking. INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) claims totaled 60,907 last Unemployment insurance week, up 2,794 from the previous week.

The Indiana Employment Security Division said initial claims rose because of various layoffs in the automotive industry the largest of which was at New Castle. should be considered." The zoo's board of directors said in a statement it interested in the development of plans for the White River Park, but no commitments have been made. The study was done, in fact, with no exact site in mind." BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (UPI) The National Science Foundation has approved a $120,000 grant for a study of ways to improve the scientific quality of environmental impact analysis in federal agencies. The study will be conducted by Lynton K.

Caldwell, Indiana University environmental policy analyst. The study will involve an examination of a series of controversial cases in which the scientific content of the environmental analysis was questionable. Areas to be selected include endangered mining, dam safety and water species, forest wilderness, quality. MUNCIE, Ind. (UPI) Ball State University has re- Fithian Contends Shortage Of Grain Cars State Matter MONTICELLO State level action may be required to solve the problem of grain elevator failures.

This was the message delivered by Rep. Floyd Fithian, to a group of area grain dealers Saturday. Fithian solicited opinions from 17 members of the Northwest Indiana Grain Dealers Association concernin grain elevator bankruptcies, transportation problems, and federal regula- Monday, September 10, 1979 Open House At Follows Remodeling An open house at the Cass According to Frank ceiling. It also has new paint. County Family 'Y' featuring III, 'Y' executhe fall programs and recent Montgomery remodeling projects $32,000 has been spent on the is tive director, approximately planned will be from remodeling.

He said the Wednesday. The open to remodeling was made house 7 to 8:30 p.m. programs ble by financial contributions Fall basketball gym- of several individuals and featured include nastics. Hot Shot (a and other program businesses. activity) activity demonstrations.

Since early June the 'Y' has Defendant undergone several remodeling seen projects during the which open may house. be Asks Change New ceiling and flooring been done in installed various and painting Of Judge throughout the building. A synthetic vinyl surface has PERU Accused murderer been applied to the running Rebecca Sue Russell, 28, track and two of the track Peru, filed for a change of corners have been re- judge Friday, constructed. Russell is charged with the The fitness center has been Sept. 2 stabbing death of completely rearranged.

A Gilford Burns, 23, at an whirlpool has been installed apartment at 17642 W. Eighth as well as a second bathroom. Peru. Through the relocating of the Superior Court Judge Burce sauna, building of a new wall Embrey listed Cass Superior cutting of a doorway, wet Court Judge Mark Brown, and dry areas have been Howard Superior Court Judge created. The fitness center Carl Van Dorm and Grant now boasts a new lounge area Superior Court Judge Thomas along with new flooring and Wright as possible judges.

Committee Studies Changes In Primary Possible changes in the primary election system in Indiana are being considered. The Interim Study Committee on the Primary Election Process has devised a number of questions to learn public sentiment. The six questions are: 1. Do you believed more people would vote Indiana's primary clections if they could register to vote 30 days before the election? L. Do you believe more people would vote if they did not have to register? 3.

Do you believe Indiana should allow people to register as late as election day? Do you believe more people would vote in the primary if they didn't have to publicly declare a party preference? Do you believe more people would vote if the primary were in September instead of May? Do you believe more people would vote if all electioneering at the polls were eliminated? Do you believe more people would vote if the election were held on Saturday? People who do not vote in primary elections are asked to designate which of the changes would make the most difference to them. The answers to the questions are supposed to mailed to State Rep. Richard Bell, Primary Election Questionnaire, House 'of Representatives, State House, Indianapolis, 46204. Richard Riggle Succumbs Richard Vernon Riggle, 63, Rt. 7, died at 5:15 a.m.

Sunday at his residence. Born in Hammond on Oct. 27, 1915, he was the son of Manfred Earl and Florence Larimer Riggle. He was married on April 12, 1936, in North Madison, to Helen M. Larimore, who survives.

A member of the Anoka United Methodist Church, he retired from the Penn Central Railroad in 1974. Also surviving are three daughters, Kay Zasgrow, Minn; Mary D. Overley, 4315 Kensington and Cambridge, Janet Crockett, 632 Woodside two brothers, Harold Atherton, Rt. and Paul Riggle, White Pigeon, Mich; three sisters, Dorothy Atkins and Hazel Anderson, both of. Hammond; and Ellen Rivers, Rt.

and five grandchildren." Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday the Fisher. Funeral Home with the Rev. David Arnold officiating. Burial will be in Ever-Rest Memorial Park Cemetery.

Friends may call after 3 p.m. Monday. Mildred Cowger Expires MONTICELLO Mildred Cowger, 72, 542 S. Bluff died at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at Home Hospital, She was born in Jackson County on Nov.

4, 1906, to Lewis and Rosa E. England Lockman. On June 12, 1935, she was married to Walter Cowger, who survives. A member of the First Baptist Church, she was a school teacher for 35 years. She was a member of the Indiapa Teachers Association, the National Retired Teachers Association and the White County Teachers Association.

She received her Master's degree from Butler University. Surviving with the husband are a daughter, Carol Taylor, Carson City, Calif; two brothers, John and Loren Lockman, both of Rockfield; two sisters, Hazel Weddell, Brownstown; and Beatrice Henderson, Cambridge City: and two grandchildren. Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Miller: Voorhis Funeral Home with the Rev. Robert Flynn officiating.

Burial will be in the Riverview Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. Memorials may be given to the Cancer Fund. ceived a $25,000 grant from the U.S.

'Law Enforcement Assistance Administration as continued support of an The grant will provide loans ed education program. for undergraduates intending to pursue careers in criminal justice and corrections and for people working in law enforcement who wish to obtain additional education. SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) The University of Notre Dame's new $8 million engineering building will be named in honor of Mr. and Mrs.

Edward B. Fitzpatrick, Old Brookville, N.Y: Fitzpatrick, a 1954 Notre Dame graduate, is major benefactor of the five story, foot facility to be dedicated Oct. 5. (UPI) INDIANAPOLIS John F. Mead has been named assistant general manager for operations of the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corp.

Mead joined the firm in 1960 as a mechanic Fithian would bring 10,000 cars from Canada, Mexico and Romania, he told the group. T. Jeffrey Boese, of the Indiana Grain and Feed Association, group is formulating proposals to present to the state legislature during its 1981 session. He said he hopes the Legislature will aim action at solving the root the problem rather than "patching." Mabel Deel Succumbs CAMDEN Funeral services for Mabel E. Deel, 76.

Rockfield, will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Rockfield Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Stanley Hopper will home. officiate.

She died Saturday at 8:50 p.m. at a neighbor's She was born Chicago, Feb. 6, 1903, to Harry and Lillie Moore Ray. On June 15, 1921, she was married to L.J Deel, who died in 1970. She retired from the post office in 1969 after 25 years service.

She was a member of the Rockfield Presbyterian Church, the Rock Creek Home Demonstration Club, the Friendship Circle and the United Presbyterian Women. She is survived by a son, Robert Rockfield; a daughter; Marjorie M. Been, Rockfield; a sister, Leena Wahid, North Hollywood, seven grandchildren and seven great? grandchildren. Two sisters preceded her in death. Burial will be in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.

Friends may call at the Sullivan Funeral Home after 4 p.m; Today. The family requests a memorials be donated to the Heart Fund or the Rockfield Presbyterian Church. Claude Shaffer Dies The outside markets were mixed. Funeral Notices OLIVER MONTICELLO Funeral services for Irvin L. Oliver, Monticello, will be at 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday at the Miller-Voorhis Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Riverview Cemetery. Fiends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 9 p.m. today and Tuesday before the services. tions on grain dust, at the hour-long session.

The dealers blamed increasingly inefficient freight train service and a shortage of grain cars for the downfall of smaller grain elevators. According to Gordon Taiclet, Buckeye Feed and Supply, Monterey, the railroads are doing a good job on the major routes but have let the smaller lines decline, or are closing them. Fithian said there appears to be no trend in grain elevator bankruptcies in other states, and coneluded the problem is a state, rather than national problem. However, he did not rule out new federal legislation regulating grain speculation, blamed by some as a major cause for grain elevator bankruptcies. The grain car shortage first became a major issue about 18 months ago and has worsened since then, according to Fithian.

A bill proposed by KOKOMO Claude W. Shaffer, 87, Forest Part Convalscent Center, died Monday at at 12:05 a.m. at his residence. He was born in Peru on Sept. 3, 1892, to Tiglman and Lillie M.

Ticen Shaffer. In 1919 he was married to Verna who died in 1936. In 1941 he was married to Nellie Summers, who died in 1970. He retired from the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. in 1957.

A World War I veteran, he was a member of the American Legion. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Culbertson; Wabash; three sons, Howard Miami, Virgil Swayzee; and Robert Kokomo; two sisters, Kate Wooley; Galveston; and Mrs. Marvel Galveston; 16 grandchildren and several great grandchildren. A son and three sisters preceded him in death.

Services will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Murray. Funeral Home with the Rev. Cecil Enochs officiating. Burial will be in the Crown Point Cemetery, Kokomo.

Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home..

Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana (2024)
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