[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (2024)

Ok, so, I didn't properly... explain, how the game works, last time. Let's change that.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (1)

When the duel starts, you're the turn player, by which I mean you play first. I have no idea how it works in multiplayer, don't ask, I assume the game assigns both players a 1024/2048 chance of going first and then picks.

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The first thing you must do every single turn is choose a card from your hand to play onto your field. You have five cards in your hand, and can only play one every turn, and draw one every turn to replace it. It is advised that your first card be one of three things:

1: The strongest thing in your hand. Play it in the second slot if so.

2: Something strong enough to kill everything the opponent will send out that isn't the strongest thing in your hand, to be played on the first spot. After playing a card, your cursor will default to the first spot, so having a weaker guy ready to kill monsters so that the stronger ones can target LP is a good idea.

3: Something that you are going to equip something onto. This is not something you should be worrying about until the final four or so opponents, who actually have monsters worth getting equips in your deck over.

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On your first turn, you cannot attack the opponent. But you must select to Attack or Defend. You always, must select Attack or Defend, for every monster onfield. And outside the first turn (bar a specific card that no opponent has in their deck because it's a Magic Card and no opponent in DM1 has Magic Cards), if you select Attack, you must select a thing to attack.

This will eventually be the cause of many, many problems when opponents start playing 2000 defense monsters, but we'll get to that, as it's a bit off yet.

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On turn 2, your opponent will have played a facedown - hopefully something weak - so you can attack it. The goal is to kill all opponent monsters, to directly attack their life points.

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Direct Attacking... technically, existed in the manga at this point, but it required exceptionally specific circ*mstances to do. Konami almost certainly realized that games would very quickly stall out if actually played that way however so they made it so that you can direct attack an opponent if their field is empty at any time.

They then realized that if you can direct attack an opponent, and had monsters inherently higher than an opponent's starting life total in terms of attack, games would get very dumb very quickly, so they quadrupled the Starting Life total from 2000 to 8000. (2000 was always a silly starting total though for an actual game, I know the idea was that Yugioh's early stats were based on MtG stuff times 100, but MtG also didn't have anything even remotely close to something with 30 attack, I think the highest at time of this game's release was 11 and that card had a bunch of crippling downsides.)

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There was one other notable rule change. In the manga, if you can't play any more monsters, you lose instantly. This was a way to force offensive play by its rules, but in a game like this, where life totals are so high and starting monsters are so sh*t, it would be... bad. So, instead of that, if you try to place a monster on top of another one, you either start a Fusion (we'll GET TO THAT I promise), or you'll just delete the old one. Here, I replace my 800/600 plant with an 800/600 plant.

It wouldn't be until later that I got the other two 800/600 plants in this game in this deck, because yes, there's f*cking four of them in this game. :/ Duel Monsters has a serious issue where there's a ton of random useless sh*t in the 500-1500 attack range, but the topend is extremely narrow - 20 of the over 300 monsters in this game are between 2000 and 3500 attack, 3500 being the max, and of those, 9 are reasonably accessible to the player - and of those, one is a password and six are 1 only, meaning you'll be stuck with three cards that actually drop at a half decent rate (one of the other 11 can drop in theory but only from the final boss and only at the lowest rate possible). This wouldn't be as much of a problem if this game was never meant to be played competitively, but like... no they held a f*cking tournament for this game and we will be seriously discussing that later because it's responsible for some of the absolute most nonsensical decisions in it.

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Anyway none of this matters right now because Honda has three monsters in his deck and none of them are good.

Which, speaking of, is it time to discuss how decks and drops work in this game?

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...yeah that's not new, let's do this. Ok, starting off, Honda's deck. I'm going to post a picture taken from his Yugipedia page, which I only didn't link last time because I wanted to hold a bit of suspense before digging into the way this game REALLY works behind the curtain.

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Before we get started here, you've probably got questions. Questions along the lines of "what," or, "that's not a deck," which isn't an actual question, or "what the f*ck" possibly. That, or you're thinking of a certain PSX game and going "no wait that tracks". If it's the latter, we'll get into why that tracks later, if it's the former... yeah.

No one in this game has a 40 card deck. They have 40 cards, taken from a chart which includes the percent chance that any one of their cards is a specific monster, and that chance is out of 2048.

Now, I understand why this decision was made. It saves memory to not have actual deck lists in the game, and the Gameboy's space was... tight. But it does lead to a lot of really, really dumb results. And the "out of 2048" thing doesn't stop there, which leads to the real problems. Because, well...

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...Drop rates are also out of 2048.

Honda can drop any one of these cards. The odds out of 2048 decide that.

Yes, some of them have really, really sh*t odds.

Yes, that one card there has a 1/2048 chance of being dropped.

Yes, that one card there with a 1/2048 chance of being dropped is only dropped by Honda and one other character at the same rate.

What's that? You wanted something f*cking sensible? This is Konami, they've over-monetized Yugioh since the beginning, would it shock you to know that even in early video games, before the beginning of their TCG, they had an equivalent of that? If you want the rare card that will be nearly useless and is strictly worse than a much more common card you can get later just play the game for a few days against a specific opponent, what's the problem?

Anyway, now's as good a time as any to bring up the drop rates for all the cards I had last time that I didn't want to bring up at the time:

Change Slime: Can be in the initial deck. Communication Bonus. 1/2048 from Yugi Moto, Mokuba Kaiba, and Ryota Kajiki.

(we'll get into Communication Bonuses a fair bit later, but f*cking yeesh these rates, this is why I reset for it. Others are pretty bad too though, for example,)

Wight: Can be in the initial deck. 2/2048 from Honda, Jonouchi Katsuya, Ryo Bakura, Yugi Moto, and Mokuba Kaiba.

Thunder Bolt: One copy in the initial deck. Victory Bonus.

(we'll get into Victory Bonuses later in the update, but the idea here is that the game is hard-limiting every player to two copies of this card)

Sparks: Two are in the initial deck. 50/2048 from all Stage 1 opponents.

Fire Ball: One copy in the initial deck. 50/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, Dinosaur Ryuzaki, Ryota Kajiki, Insector Haga, and Mai Kujaku.

Moyan Curry: One copy in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 50/2048 from Yugi Moto, Honda, and Jonouchi Katsuya, and 100/2048 from Ryo Bakura.

Red Potion: One copy in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 50/2048 from Ryo Bakura, Mokuba Kaiba, Dinosaur Ryuzaki, Ryota Kajiki, Insector Haga, and Mai Kujaku.

Darkness Erasing Light: One copy in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 100/2048 from Yugi Moto.

Mushroom Man: Can be in the initial deck. 140/2048 from Honda, 83/2048 from Yugi Moto, 25/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba.

Yashinoki: Can be in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 139/2048 from Honda, 24/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba.

Weather Control: Can be in the initial deck. 11/2048 from Yugi Moto, 1/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba.

Sting: Can be in the initial deck. 33/2048 from Ryo Bakura, 1/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba


[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (11)

See, here's a great example, this card's actually quite rare at an 18/2048 drop rate.


273 - "Satori no Roju" (I believe it stands for Enlightened Elder, or Elder of Enlightenment, but it's a kanji-to-kana swap so not 100%) (localized as Ancient Tree of Enlightenment)It uses its vast knowledge to avoid many kinds of attack.ありとあらゆる ちしきをくしして さまざまな こうげきをふせぐDropped By: 18/2048 from Honda, 12/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 1/2048 from STAGE 4

I'll not be dropping the name of STAGE 4 here, or STAGE 3 or STAGE 5, as the game sees fit to censor them. If you're really curious, feel free to look it up and discuss in spoiler tags. I have a lot to say about STAGE 4 and 5 personally.


# - "Speak" (localized as Droll Bird)This monster stuns its enemies with a massive beak and ear-piercing wails.くちばしがとてもおおきく おおごえでなき きのよわいあいてをおどろかせるDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 14/2048 from Yugi Moto, 1/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba and Mai Kujaku.

It's a good thing that I got the Tree when I did, as it would never be in my deck otherwise. Though, after this, I'm not going to do too much "replace low Defense thing with high Defense thing if they have the same Attack", like when I get to the 800s later I'm not going to ditch the pile of 800/600s for better defensive versions.

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And here's the third 800/600 Plant...


075 - "Man-Eating Plants" (localized as Man-Eating Plant)A meat-eating plant that is attractive to the eye but dangerous when approached.きれいなはなとおもわせ ちかづくひとをパクリとたべる にくしょくのはなDebuted in Chapter 73, "The Thief," used by Mokuba Kaiba.Dropped By: Can be in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 140/2048 by Honda and 25/2048 by Mokuba Kaiba


191 - "Rara Raiun" (your guess is as good as mine, besides the Rai in it being Thunder) (localized as LaLa Li-oon)An electric cloud creature, its acid rain makes it very dangerous.でんきをおびた くもがたのモンスター なんでもとかすきけんなあめをふらせるDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 44/2048 from Ryo Bakura and 1/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba

And slowly we push out these weak 600 attack monsters. Although, to be fair, there are only 3 Thunders and while this is the weakest of them, it's not like the others are much better.

I guess now is a good time to point out - in the manga, specific types and attributes had advantages against other specific types and attributes, like Thunder being advantaged over Water, and Fire being good against Dinosaurs for... some reason, and there were a number of other advantages a monster could inherently have (Flying monsters had a... 35%? evasion chance for any attack by a purely grounded opponent). None of that has made it into this game. A small amount made it into the sequel, but that's its own thing.

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107 - "Shadow Fighter" (localized as Kageningen)Uses both physical and shadow forms to attack, making it a difficult creature to overcome.じったいと かげにわかれて おそってくる ゆだんすると はさまれるぞDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 140/2048 from Honda.


203 - "Ghost" (localized as Phantom Ghost for redundancy purposes)A ghost made by gathering spirits unable to pass on to the next world.このよの じょうぶつできない れいが あつまってできた おんりょうDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 63/2048 from Ryo Bakura, 7/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 1/2048 from "Bandit" Keith Howard

I actually had several Ghosts in my starter deck! This is the first one out...

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And the second one got removed for this.


144 - "Djinn, the Watcher of the Wind" (localized as Wind Djinn)Controls the air currents to create violent winds and tornadoes to blow away anything nearby.かぜをあやつり たつまきやとっぷうをおこし しゅういのものをふきとばすDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 140/2048 from Honda, 63/2048 from Ryo Bakura, 24/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba

By the way, I should note - while you start with Honda because he's the weakest opponent in the game, you also should because his drop quality is way worse than everyone else generally speaking.

And that was our tenth win against him, which means...

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310 - "Devil Bacteria" (localized as Vile Germs)Vile microbes boosts the power of Plants in the woods!あくまがつくる さいきんで もりの しょくぶつたちは パワーアップだ!Powers up a monster by 1 Level, essentially a 60% Atk/Def boost. Most viable targets are Plants, as well as a few others - the strongest is 1350 Attack.Dropped By: Victory Bonus, 100/2048 from Honda

Every 10 wins until you hit 100 against any opponent, you get a free Victory Bonus card. This changes depending on what the wins and opponent are - so Honda's 10 is Devil Bacteria, but his 20 is different, and so on and so forth up to 100. In all but one case, the 100 wins prize is unique, incapable of being gotten elsewhere - and that one other case is Thunderbolt to make it so you can only get 2 copies of it. Some of the 90 win cards are also unique, but most of the rest are just things in their drop pools.

Devil Bacteria is... a sh*t way to introduce this concept, though, because it's one of the worst cards in the game. I've already called out a few times that there are four f*cking 800/600 Plants in this game, but what I haven't mentioned is that those and an 800/1000 Plant are also the strongest Plants in the game. This does effect four stronger monsters, but they're all between 900 and 1350 Attack, which is f*cking nothing.

...thinking about it, Honda has something of a Plant theme in his drops, I guess? Huh.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (16)

The last 600 attack monster in this deck is out, besides the Tree.


147 - "Monster Egg" (localized as Monster Egg)A warrior hidden within an egg that attacks enemies by flinging eggshells.たまごのからに みをつつんだ なぞの せんし からをとばしてこうげきするDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 55/2048 from Yugi Moto, 12/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba.


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Fun fact: This card is one of the five Fan Designed Cards that made it into this game.


155 - "Larvas" (localized as Larvas)A fast-moving, bird-like creature that strangles opposing monsters with its long, thin arms.すばやくうごくとりのばけもの ほそく ながいうでをからませ しめあげるDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 140/2048 from Honda, 2/2048 from the Ventriloquist of the Dead.

i'm, uh

just going to refer to that one as "ventriloquist" in further card things.

Also that removed our last 600! Would be really annoying if we got a 700 next.

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Good thing that we did not!


154 - "Fire Devil" (localized as Fire Reaper)A grim reaper with flaming arrows that burn an enemies to a crisp.ほのおのやをてにするしにがみ そのやにあたると ひだるまになるぞDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 63/2048 from Ryo Bakura, 7/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 1/2048 from "Bandit" Keith Howard

We're removing the worse 700s now.

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Oh, there we go, the last of the four 800/600 Plants.


158 - "Man Eater" (localized as Man Eater)Man-eating plant with poison feelers for attacking enemies.ひとくいじんめんか どくのある しょくしゅで こうげきしてくるDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 139/2048 from Honda, 24/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba


268 - "Yami ni sh*tagaumono" or Follower in the Dark (localized as Sectarian of Secrets)This wizard worships the darkness, and is served by a sinister hand that drags its enemies into oblivion.やみをすうはいするまほうつかい まのてをよびだし くらやみへひきずりこむDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 63/2048 from Ryo Bakura, 7/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 1/2048 from STAGE 3

I think this is the first time we've seen STAGE 3 here. He's a bit of an odd duck, honestly.

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257 - "Stone Armadilla" (localized as Stone Armadiller)With a body armored by rock-hard fur, this monster features excellent defense capabilities.からだが いしのようにかたい けで おおわれており まもりがかたいDropped By: Victory Bonus, 269/2048 from Dinosaur Ryuzaki, 99/2048 from Honda


157 - "Firegrass" (localized as Firegrass)A fire-breathing plant found growing near volcanoes.かざんのちかくに せいそくするくさ はなからかえんをふき こうげきするDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 86/2048 from Honda, 54/2048 from Yugi Moto, 9/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba

I promise the update will stop looking like this eventually, we just have to burn through as much of Honda's drop pool as possible and get rid of a bunch of chaff from our deck. This will probably be the most packed-card-text-wise update there is.

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300 - "Drake" (localized as Kurama)A vicious bird that attacks from the skies with its whip-like tail.しっぽが ながいとり そのしっぽで くうちゅうから こうげきするDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. Victory Bonus. 172/2048 from Honda, 58/2048 from Mai Kujaku, 36/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba.

Kurama's actually the most likely thing for Honda to drop!


101 - "Jaen no Tsubasa" or Wings of Wicked Flame (localized as Wings of Wicked Flame)The wings of this creature shimmer with red-black flames. It attacks by making fire erupt from all over its body.あかぐろくもえるつばさ ぜんしんから ほのおをふきだし こうげきするDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 77/2048 from Ryo Bakura.

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I had two Wings of Wicked Flames in the initial deck. Fusionist is one of the best pickups I can get from Honda, actually.


189 - "Fusionist" (localized as Fusionist)A feline monster that has angelic wings and a long tail.てんしのようなはねと とてもながい しっぽをもっている ばけねこDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 139/2048 from Honda, 82/2048 from Yugi Moto, 44/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba

At 900/700 it's a massive upgrade for this deck.

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285 - "Devil Snake" (localized as Serpent Marauder)A snake with a single eye that blows an icy breath to freeze its opponents.めが1つしかないヘビ れいきを はきだし あいてをこおりづけにするDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 76/2048 from Ryo Bakura, 9/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba.

Removing yet more chaff from the deck. Only three more 700 attack monsters in the deck now! And two are Djinns who were already covered.

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For 20 wins over Honda, you get this. I had one last time but didn't go over it, so...


312 - "Gin no Yumiya" or Silver Bow and Arrow (localized as Silver Bow and Arrow)A silver bow, when equipped can power up a fairy, etc.てんしなどが そうびすると パワーアップできる ぎんのゆみやPowers up a monster by 1 Level, essentially a 60% Atk/Def boost. Most viable targets are Fairies, as well as a few others - the strongest is 1950 Attack.Dropped By: Victory Bonus. 100/2048 from Honda

A much better equip than Devil Bacteria purely because Fairies, uh, don't totally f*cking suck. There are two 1800 attack ones, and 1800 is the baseline you want for the final boss! It also equips to a 1950 attack Monster which is nice. The problem is that that's all it does - the two best equips in the game are that way because one is the only equip that a ton of the best monsters in the game can use, and the other is broadly applicable to like 80% of the really good monsters not exclusive to the first equip at the higher levels.

And you don't need Equips to make mid-power Monsters better, because you'll never be applying equips to mid-power Monsters.

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121 - "Sleeping Lion" (localized as Sleeping Lion)Frequently found sleeping, it becomes uncontrollable when awakened.ふだん ねむっている もうじゅう めをさますと てがつけられないDropped By: 55/2048 from Honda, 8/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba

I'd make a "the lion sleeps tonight" joke, but the official English flavor text makes a "let sleeping lions lie" joke and that's way dumber than anything I could make. 1700 defense is really, really good for this point in the game... but will not, strictly speaking, actually help you overly much, and by the time high defense becomes something worth investing into, it's the final boss and you're getting extremely lucky if his first monster doesn't have 1800 or more attack.

Also should bring up that this isn't getting into the deck, neither are the equips, we're almost done with the 700s after all.

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Speaking of.


134 - "Seinaru Kusari" or Holy Chain (localized as Mystical Capture Chain)A mystical chain that is believed capable of binding its enemies and preventing their attacks.せいなるちからで うごきをふうじる ことができる といわれているくさりDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. 12/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba

damn we actually lucked out on that one.

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Oh, sh*t, the first field spell!


330 - "Mori" or Forest (localized as Forest)Changes the field to a verdant forest that benefits Insects and Beasts.こんちゅう けものがとくいとする みどりいっぱいのフィールドにチェンジChanges the field to Forest, which raises the stats of Beasts, Beast Warriors, Insects, and Plants by 30%, and specially buffs Petit Moth.Technically debuted as terrain in Chapter 65.Dropped By: Victory Bonus. 100/2048 from Insector Haga, 50/2048 from Honda.

I'll have to get more in depth on the exact mechanics of field spells later. Sadly, they all suck! The only time they'd really be semi-effective is in the midgame when you're facing opponents who are mostly threatening for a few specific monsters that all share a type, but... generally speaking, opponents in this game have pretty varied type-pools, and your best decks will as well. So it's best to not rely on them.

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And that's the last 700 attack monster out!

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Ok, sure, yeah, let's just do that.

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At 30 wins from Honda you get an 800/600 plant, which... is already the worst thing in my deck...

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Expect a few of these "didn't grab the picture" things to come up, I miss shots sometimes.

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this right here is why you upgrade on attack as fast as possible.

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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tOQC5R3MK4


174 - "Hurricail" (localized as Hurricail)A possessed tornado that rages out of control in wastelands. It tears at its foes with razor-sharp winds.こうやで あれくるうたつまき かぜのやいばで あいてをきりきざむDropped By: Can be in the initial deck, Victory Bonus, 59/2048 from Honda, 25/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 14/2048 from Ryo Bakura

i hate hate hate hate hate hate this f*cking card so goddamn much, it is the single worst card to ever exist and the absolute second I get better 900s it and all other copies will be out of the f*cking deck, this is the one exception to the "I don't care about switching out monsters with the same attack with other ones with the same attack" rule, this f*cking thing is the w o r s t

200 defense can burn in f*cking hell

EDIT: Also, per Etc, it's probably meant to be Hurricle, as in Hurricane + Sickle, because it's a Kamaitachi reference. Fair enough.

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Damn that is a lot of Fusionists. And yeah, Drake is his 40 prize.

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Aaaand Larvas is the 50 prize! We're past the halfway point, on the home stretch now!

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Oh, ok, there is that still.


336 - "Black Hole" (localized as Dark Hole)Mercilessly inhales all monsters on the field!フィールドにそんざいする すべてのモンスターをようしゃなくすいこむ!Destroys all monsters on the field.Dropped By: Victory bonus. 100/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 20/2048 from all Stage 1 opponents.

As usual for early Yugioh games, Black Hole suffers when it has to be played before monsters.

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Oh, huh, that's the 60 prize.


180 - "Alraune" (localized as Arlownay, because... I guess the localizers just didn't know what a f*cking Alraune is.)A female being that lurks in a flower to cast toxic dust. She is very dangerous and must not be approached.はなのなかのじょせいが どくかふんをまきちらす ちかづいてはいけないDropped By: Can be in the initial deck. Victory bonus. 10/2048 from Honda, Mai Kujaku, and Mokuba Kaiba.

By the way this is strictly the best Plant in this game, being tied in Attack with all those f*cking 800/600 things but having more potential equips and 1000 defense.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (38)

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (39)

Oh, another Sleeping Lion, that's neat. When am I going to get some of the other stuff in Honda's drop tables though?

Stone Armadilla is 70, by the way.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (40)

And Hurrifail is the 80.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (41)

Oh, finally! Was beginning to worry it wouldn't happen.


252 - "Cat Fairy" (localized as Nekogal #1)A cat fairy. Despite her adorable appearance, she quickly claws on her enemies.ネコのようせい あいらしいすがたとは うらはらに すばやくてきをひっかくDropped By: Victory bonus, 174/2048 from Mai Kujaku, 24/2048 from Mokuba Kaiba, 15/2048 from Honda.

This is, it must be stated, easily the best thing Honda can drop, although the 1/2048 monster with 2000 defense is fine I guess. This is why you do Honda first!

Oh, and that Victory bonus?

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (42)

Yeah that's Honda at 90 wins.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (43)

And now we're at 99. We've cut out 12 800/600 monsters and only have one left, following that are a bunch of new things, and the average card in our deck is much closer to 900 now than 800. That said... Honda does have the 100 win prize left.

And it's worth paying attention to.

For this, it's time to flash us forwards a year or two into the future. The Yugioh OCG is doing extremely well in Japan, hitting approximately the point where it can release a new main product every month, and part of this success is the fact that it can capitalize easily on two different methods of distribution targeting two different audiences - the Booster series, which showed up in Carddass machines and tended to have simpler cards for the younger audience who preferred those, and the Volume series, which had more advanced cards for the average TCG playing crowd, which skewed older. Volume 3 was the first set to introduce Effect Monsters, bringing in four - Blue Ninja, who flipped to destroy a Spell, Card Hunting Shinigami, who flipped to destroy a Trap, Man-Eater Bug, which flipped to destroy a Monster, and Hanehane, which flipped to bounce a Monster to the owner's hand. It also had the first Secret Rare, Ryukishi Gaia, which was... neat, I guess.

But that's not... all, it had. No, one of its Ultra Rares would end up, historically, being much more important. And as for why...

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...well, it's not like the audience didn't know what was going on the second they looked at it.

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This: Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (45)


018 - "Left Leg of the Sealed One" (localized as Left Leg of the Forbidden One)A forbidden left leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power.ふういんされたひだりあし ふういんをとくと むげんのちからをえられるWARNING: SEAL LEVEL ONE BREACHEDDebuted in chapter 38 of the manga in 38, although much more prominently in 39.Dropped By: Victory Bonus Only.

The left leg is, of course, totally useless on its own. But don't worry - eventually, we will undo the seals, and lay open the door to infinite power.

Not today, though.

Anyway, that's it for Honda. We'll go back to him every so often for nonsense, but let's quickly go over the things we haven't gotten yet that he can give:

159 - Dig Beak: Could, theoretically, be dropped by Mokuba, so I'll go over it more in depth there. Has decent odds off Honda though so must have just been some weird luck here.

274 - Spirit King of Greenery: Actually slightly more likely off Mokuba, STAGE 4 can also drop them but lol lmao 1/2048.

009 - Hellbound: Terrible chance of getting it off literally every one of the five people who can drop it!

058 - Kuriboh: As above, so below.

123 - Dark Plant: Somehow one of the rarest monsters in the game if you don't start with it. Somehow.

255 - Prevent Rat: Yeah 99% likely I end up having to talk about this, it's also a 1/2048 drop for Mokuba, but...

And now, I leave speculation to all of you. In the first update, I showed off the four Stage 1 opponents, and now you have to figure out - which one is the best one to target next? I already know who it is and will be playing through it while you speculate, but do feel free to!


I'll see you all NEXT TIME to reveal who!

[COMPLETED] Paradox Disliked This:  Let's Play The Original Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters for the Gameboy (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.